Category Archives for "Insure"

Feb 10

What If Something Bad Happens? 5 Tips To Protecting Your Family

By Shane | Insure

Nobody wants to talk or think about anything bad happening. The reality is that you’ve got busy lives, focusing on the here and now. Have you ever thought about what would happen to your family if something happened to you? The fact is, by not thinking or talking about it should be the real worry for everyone. But concern for protecting your family doesn’t have to turn to worry if you follow these tips.Continue reading

Feb 08

Loan Protection Insurance: What Is It And When Might You Need It?

By Shane | Insure

Loan protection insurance is intended to help policyholders by providing financial support in time of need. It’s an insurance that can help protect your monthly loan payments and protect the you from default, whether your need is due to disability or unemployment. Do you know how you or your family would meet the mortgage repayments if you lose your job, suffered a serious injury or illness, or even died?Continue reading
