Category Archives for "Build"

Nov 19

How Do Home Construction Loans Work?

By Shane | Build , Finance

What Are Home Construction Loans? 

Home Construction Loans allows a new home to be built through the term of construction. It is based on the time needed to build a home, and it usually ranges from 6 months to a year. Once your construction loan is approved, your lender will pay your builder every period, after work is completed. As soon as the home construction ends, your loan repayment begins.

Most first home buyers prefer having their home construction loan be combined with their standard mortgage plan, into something termed as a construction-to-permanent loan. This avoids the need to refinance after construction and go through 2 different closings.

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Jan 31

How To Finance Your Renovation

By Shane | Build

Many things about home renovation are flexible. You can always change your paint colours or expand your bedroom to give space for your shelves and couches, and one thing is certain- you’re going to need money. All of your renovation ideas will not be possible without cold hard cash….Continue reading

Dec 31

Buying Off The Plan? Consider These Often Forgotten Factors…

By Shane | Build

When purchasing property, one of the things you’ll probably ask yourself at some point is should you buy an existing property or should you purchase a property off the plan. It’s a question that a lot of people struggle with. The fact is, there are a lot of things you need to consider and think about. So if you’re looking to learn more about buying off the plan, keep reading.Continue reading
