Monthly Archives: November 2018

What you need to know about your interest only investment loan
Nov 08

What You Need To Know About Your Interest Only Investment Loan

By Shane | Uncategorized

Property investors often choose to set the repayments for their investment loans to ‘interest only’ repayments. An interest only repayment means you pay only the interest due each month, but you aren’t paying down the loan balance.

By comparison, a principal and interest repayment is made up of a portion that covers the interest due and a portion that pays down the loan balance a bit with each payment made.
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How to get an investment property loan
Nov 06

How To Get An Investment Property Loan

By Shane | Invest

In the past, it might have been easy to get a loan to buy an investment property or to fund a project. However, today banks hold onto their money much more tightly, leaving many a hopeful wondering how to get an investment property loan. It’s not quite as easy as filling in the relevant paperwork, but the process could be much smoother if you consider these steps before even picking up the phone to your potential lender:

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