Monthly Archives: January 2017

Jan 31

How To Finance Your Renovation

By Shane | Build

Many things about home renovation are flexible. You can always change your paint colours or expand your bedroom to give space for your shelves and couches, and one thing is certain- you’re going to need money. All of your renovation ideas will not be possible without cold hard cash….Continue reading

Jan 30

7 Things First Home Buyers NEED To Know

By Shane | Uncategorized

Buying your first home is one of the most significant, exciting, (…and a little bit stressful) decisions you will make. Since it’s your first home, probabilities are you know very little about what needs to be done. Being unprepared in buying your first home can lead to unexpected costs and actually have you struggling to piece things together at the last minute. To help you take some of the stress out, here are seven things first home buyers need to know.Continue reading

Jan 22

Thinking About Refinancing? Here’s What You Need To Know…

By Shane | Uncategorized

Thinking about refinancing? For some, it can be a difficult choice. When you see a better rate available, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll end up saving money by switching.  However, you can end up saving thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, if you refinance for the right reasons and at the right time. If you’re unsatisfied with your rates or looking for a better customer service, you’re definitely not alone for there are always plenty of borrowers looking for a better deal.Continue reading

How do guarantor loans work?
Jan 10

How Do Guarantor Loans Work?

By Shane | Uncategorized

Over the past two years, average capital city house prices have risen by around sixteen percent (16%). That’s great if you’re an investor but for first time buyers trying to save for a deposit, it’s like chasing your own tail. Luckily, there are ways to get into the property market now without having to sell your own parents. In fact, you’ll need them.Continue reading
